Research conducted by Susanne Heiwe of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm Sweden found that people with chronic kidney fixed exercise can actually improve the quality of his life because his body is more fit in the midst of her illness.
In patients with chronic renal kidney function gradually decreased dramatically. Though functioning kidneys to filter waste and excess fluid in the blood, which is then expelled through urine. Due to declining kidney function, wastes and fluids accumulate in significant amounts in the body.
In the reviews that have been published in The Cochrane Library, there are several reasons why a person suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) often lose fitness and have a difficult time doing daily activities.
But new research shows evidence that, a person suffering from CKD, including kidney transplant that has been done, can benefit by doing regular physical activity.
Patients with CKD who do regular physical activity to benefit significantly as compared with patients with CKD who do not.
Some of the benefits obtained by patients with CKD due to perform regular physical activity include:
1. Improved physical fitness
2. Normal blood pressure
3. A healthy heartbeat
4. Characteristics of better nutrition
5. Can improve the quality of life by as much sense
Someone said to suffer from CKD if their kidneys have been damaged or have poor performance, where the effects of kidney damage last more than 3 months. CKD is a public health problem worldwide.
There are several causes of kidney damage, among others:
1. Rheumatic Diseases
2. Diabetes
3. High blood pressure
As quoted from MedicalNewsToday, Friday (07/10/2011), Susanne Heiwe from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden explains that people with CKD muscles tire more quickly, so the amount of physical exercise they do is reduced. This may ultimately reduce the fitness of CKD patients.
Although during the last three decades several studies have investigated how physical exercise is beneficial for patients with CKD, but have not obtained evidence.
Because of this, Heiwe and colleagues named Stefan Jacobson, investigate data and results of research are taken from the 45 respondents who meet certain criteria. The combination of these studies have involved 1863 participants.
Heiwe and Jacobson found both in patients with CKD not yet requiring dialysis treatment and patients with CKD who had a kidney transplant may benefit from regular physical exercise.
Researchers find different types of exercise can produce various kinds of benefits. In patients with CKD who supervised while doing physical exercises with high intensity cardiovascular workout for 4-6 months experienced an increase in aerobic capacity, compared with participants in the control group.
Other studies revealed that, regardless of whether the participants watched or not, people who exercise for 3 months with high-intensity resistance or yoga can improve muscle strength.However, when participants were supervised during high-intensity resistance exercise, walking ability also increased by more than 3 months.
Until now the majority of investigations have examined the cardiovascular effects of physical exercise programs. "Now need to know more about the effects of resistance training or cardiovascular training and resistance mix," said Heiwe.
Further research is still needed in order to discover how to organize training programs as efficiently as possible in order to obtain the desired results. However, this review can help health care providers who may suggest that regular physical exercise for patients with CKD.
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