Based on data Riskesdas 2007, there were 11.6 percent of Indonesia's population aged over 15 who have emotional or mental disturbances ranging from 19 million inhabitants. Of 0.46 percent of them even suffered severe mental disorder, or about 1 million inhabitants.
"The high prevalence of mental health problems (Keswa) in Indonesia was not followed by the high use of services Keswa. Keswa resources in Indonesia is also still limited. This is indicative of yet unmet needs (unmet needs) Keswa services," said Minister of Health, dr. Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, MPH, Dr.PH when opening activities of the National Conference on Mental Health Policy I and II National Conference of Community Psychiatry at Hotel Santika, Jakarta, Friday (10/07/2011).
Based on the results of research in 6 European countries, the need for mental health services that are not being met in health care facilities for people with major depressive disorder (30 percent), schizophrenia (40 percent), drug response (30 percent) and mental disorders in general to reach 48 percent.
While in low-income countries including Indonesia, middle, unmet needs (the needs of unserved) mental disorders as high as 90 percent.
"Improving mental health services are affordable with easy access is needed. In addition, the participation of health centers as the spearhead in the healthcare community can increase the number of people with mental disorders are underserved, thereby reducing the unmet mental health needs," said Minister of Health.
Mental health services at the health center includes a routine mental health screening in patients, psikoedukasi, and basic mental health care interventions and tiered (referral system).
However, services in primary health care facility has limitations, namely a large load with a limited number of personnel, adherence to treatment and stigma against psychotropic drugs, and lack of family support and community service providers are quite large.
"Services Keswa in basic health facilities will not succeed without the continuity of family and community empowerment programs, including cross-sector cooperation," said Minister.
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