Wash hands with soap (HWWS) is the simplest way to maintain health. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of the importance of applying these healthy clean lifestyle.
"Handwashing with soap is a simple way of preventing disease. Why is it important? First, HWWS was relatively simple, because it does not require sophisticated equipment or the vaccine, enough running water and soap. Second, the impact is very large, especially to prevent gastrointestinal infections and gastrointestinal breath, the most frequently terjaid in infants and toddlers, "said Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, MPH, Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Kemkes, at a press conference at the House Kemkes, Jakarta, Friday (10/07/2011).
According to study data Diarrhea DG & PL, in general there was an increase of 11 percent HWWS behavior (in 2007) to 23 percent (in 2010). That is, there are still 77 percent people of Indonesia who have not applied HWWS.
In fact, this simple way to protect the health of the entire family. Prof. Tjandra explains, washing hands with soap can reduce diarrhea by 47 percent of cases, ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) and bird flu by 50 percent, and recommended for the prevention of the H1N1 flu.
When to wash hands with soap?
Prof. Tjandra reminded that people always wash their hands with soap as:
- before meals
- before feeding
- Before preparing meals
- After defecation (BAB)
- after cleaning a
"Awareness of the importance of Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBs) in the Indonesian society still needs to be improved and built upon in order to become a culture that, net culture," concludes Prof. Tjandra.