For the first time, researchers from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and Simon Fraser University in Canada revealed a link between colon cancer with bacterial infections. In patients with colon cancer, the number of bacteria in the intestines tends to rise Fusobacterium.
Not yet clear whether the increase in bacterial it is a direct trigger the occurrence of colon cancer, colon cancer or otherwise cause Fusobacterium population increase. However, in essence, both possibilities are equally valuable in the treatment of colon cancer.
If true Fusobacterium is a direct cause of colon cancer, then colon cancer someday not have to diradioterapi or chemo but simply treated with antibiotics. Vaccine prevention of colon cancer can also be made if the trigger is microorganisms.
Even if proved to be cancer causing Fusobacterium population increases, then it is still very meaningful. This means that doctors can use it as a means for early detection, to be able to anticipate earlier when the number of bacteria began to increase.
In addition to cancer patients, the presence of Fusobacterium bacteria in the digestive tract may trigger a type of inflammatory bowel disease called ulcerative colitis. Inflammatory condition that is known to increase risk of colon cancer, although the relationship has not been known with certainty.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most deadly type of cancer. Quoted from HealthDay, Thursday (20/10/2011), colon cancer killed 49,000 people / year in the United States and the cause of death of the 2nd largest amongst other types of cancer.