Fragrant essential oils that are familiar is called is called aromatherapy is often encountered in the spa services that claimed to be beneficial to health. However, recent studies find aromatherapy can increase levels of air pollution and potentially dangerous if used in confined spaces.
Fragrant essential oils derived from plants release different types of volatile organic compounds (volatile organic compounds or VOCs) into the air. These VOCs react with the ozone and produces byproducts called secondary organic aerosol (secondary organic aerosols, or SOA) that can cause eye irritation and respiratory tract.
Research conducted in Taiwan tested the fragrances and essential oils Chinese herbs on the formation of SOA in a controlled room under different test conditions.Researchers also conduct air sampling and analysis centers spa offering massage therapy using essential oils.
As reported by ScienceDaily, Monday (24/10/2011), the researchers compared the rate of SOA from the use of essential oils and fragrances. Researchers concluded that the layout and ventilation in the spa can affect the level of indoor air pollutants generated during the session with aromatherapy massage.
The research team consisting of Jen-Der Hsu from the National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Hsiao-Lin Huang Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan, and Shiann-Cherng Sheu from Chang-Jung Christian University, Tainan.
"Dr. Der-Jen Hsu and his colleagues have done a very good attention to health risks are often overlooked because of the luxuries that are intended to increase the sense of health," says Domenico Grasso, PhD, chief editor, Vice President of Research, and Dean of the Graduate College, University of Vermont.
If not handled properly, anemia or less blood can increase your risk of heart disease. Therefore, immediately treat anemia with proper nutritional supplements or blood booster. Some types of fruit can also increase the number of red blood cells.
Anemia or commonly known as anemia disease is a phenomenon caused by lack of iron in the body. Iron itself is a basic ingredient in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood that carries lots of oxygen.The low content of iron (Fe) on the patient's body anemia causes red blood cells are produced too little.
Some foods are good for anemia include oysters, shrimp, beef liver, meat, eggs, milk, green peas, peanuts, soy, and green vegetables.
There are also some fruits that can increase the number of red blood cells, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Wednesday (12/10/2011):
1. Vitamin A
Besides essential for eye health, vitamin A is also important to increase the number of red blood cells. Vitamin A also helps in the mobilization of iron for incorporation into hemoglobin, the pigment that transports oxygen. Fruits are good sources of vitamin A such as apricots, melons, oranges, plums, mango, watermelon and dried fruit.
2. Vitamin B complex
Some of the vitamin B complex essential for the production and function of red blood cells. Among these are B-12, B-6, B-5 of thiamine and riboflavin. While the B-12 comes from animal products, other B complex vitamins are widely distributed throughout the food supply. Fruits are good sources of vitamin B complex include bananas, dates, mangoes, grapes, pineapple, watermelon, melon, avocados and pomegranates.
3. Vitamin C
Vitamin C greatly increases the body's ability to absorb nonheme iron, which makes up about two-thirds of the amount of iron absorbed, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Fruits are rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, lemon, lime, strawberry, kiwi, mango, papaya and pineapple.
4. Iron
Iron is essential for the structure and function of red blood cells. Iron is a component in the formulation of hemoglobin, which is essential for oxygen transport and storage. Fruits that are good sources of iron include raisins, plums, avocados, blackberries, cherries, grapes, watermelon, raspberries and figs.
5. Mineral
Copper and phosphorus plays a role in the health and function of red blood cells. Linus Pauling Institute said copper helps in the metabolism of iron, while phosphorus helps hemoglobin in oxygen delivery to tissues. Fruits are rich in phosphorus and copper, among others, kiwi, dates, mango, avocado, blackberry and pomegranate.
Disorders of bad breath may sound trivial but it is quite disturbing.Some things are known as bad breath can cause, one of which was due to deficiency of vitamin B.
Eating chewing gum or using mouthwash only provide a temporary solution, because it does not treat the underlying cause. In addition diligent brushing sometimes not enough.
About 10 percent of cases of bad breath does not come from the mouth, but due to vitamin B deficiency that causes bad breath originating from the stomach, as quoted from Mayoclinic, Saturday (08/10/2011).
Vitamin B complex helps the body make energy from food. When the body lacks this vitamin is the enzyme that is produced to help digest food and reduce bacteria in the blood is reduced.
This condition causes an increase in 'waste' in the blood that lead to bad breath. Symptoms of deficiency of vitamin B complex which include dizziness, migraines and diarrhea.
The same thing also found in the study results Evelyn Roehl researcher who discovered the deficiency of vitamin B3 (niacin) will cause bad breath due to the reduction of metabolic processes in the body. Generally, adults should consume 14-16 mg of vitamin B3 per day.
In addition to vitamin B deficiency, there are also some other cause such as food (onion, meat, milk, sugar, eggs, coffee and alcohol), smoking, having a dry mouth disorders as well as oral hygiene and bad teeth.
To overcome this problem by extending to drink to prevent dehydration and mouth ekring, avoiding food triggers bad breath, use mouthwash containing folic acid if the bad breath due to inflammation in the gums as well as consult a doctor if bad breath is still arising.
Throughout history, Tuberculosis or TB disease is very difficult to eradicate. But for the first time, the world health organization or the WHO noted a significant decrease in the number of patients and deaths due to tuberculosis.
In a report entitled Global Tuberculosis Control Report 2011, WHO stated that the number of new TB cases in the world in 2010 recorded 8.8 million and 1.4 million the number of dead souls. This figure is down compared to previous years, for example, 9.4 million new cases in 2009.
"This is a very big progress, but there is no reason for complacency," said Secretary General of the United Nations (UN Secretary General) Ban Ki-Moon when commenting on the report, as quoted by Reuters on Wednesday (12/11/2011 ).
Despite the drop, the UN secretary-general is still considered too large because millions of people still at risk of dying of tuberculosis every year. Therefore prevention and treatment efforts must be made, particularly among the poor and vulnerable of contracting.
Currently an estimated 30 percent of world population have been infected with TB germs, but only a small fraction develop into disease. This shows that basically the human body has its own immunity against the bacteria that causes tuberculosis.
However, when it was developed into the disease germs that must be treated thoroughly. Treatment process that lasted an average of 6 months do not often make patients feel at home, then stopped in the middle of the road and causing germs become resistant or immune.
Besides the issue of drug compliance, another obstacle in the eradication of tuberculosis is rising cases of HIV infection / AIDS.In people with HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis became one comorbid or Opportunistic infections are the most casualties died.