There are people who choose to drink tea instead of coffee because it is considered unhealthy. But for lovers of coffee, black beverage that can give greater energy in the morning. So which one is actually more unhealthy, Coffee or tea?
For centuries, coffee has been praised for having a refreshing and healthful properties. Coffee stimulates the blood flow in the brain and reduce mental fatigue. This is why coffee has the ability to arouse in the morning.
But when you want to compare which one is better between coffee and tea, then the answer depends on the type of coffee or tea to drink and how you cultivate it, as reported by FoxNews, Thursday (10/13/2011).
Tea generally contains antioxidants called flavonoids, substances have been shown to help slow or inhibit the chemical reactions caused by free radicals in the body.
But for lovers of tea, the majority will want a solid color, aka tea with black tea brewed with a long time. The longer the tea disebuh the caffeine content will be higher.
Process that will semakian spending a lot of caffeine in beverages brewed too long end. The picture of brewed coffee or tea caffeine that comes out 5 minutes will be more than coffee or tea is brewed 3 minutes.
To get the color black, people tend to brew the tea longer than coffee. So when compared, the coffee will be healthier than black tea.
With two cups of coffee or 300 mg of caffeine per day, can improve a negative mood. According to studies, drinking coffee may reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease. Coffee drinkers have a risk of about 3 times less likely to develop Parkinson's disease than non-coffee drinkers.
Studies on the chemical indicates that a cup of coffee coffee contain chemicals that are strong, protective antioxidants which inhibit cell in the body rusted.
Oxidative damage has been associated with diabetes, arthritis and cancer. Among many other health problems, antioxidants are helpful in reducing the risk of some diseases and cell life.
Coffee also contains antioxidant flavonoids. This compound showed protective powers against heart disease by reducing oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). So, coffee protects against heart attacks and strokes. But the benefits of coffee would be greater if you drink it with little or no use sugar (black coffee).
But if you drink green tea or tea is not fermented, it can be said green tea is a healthy drink. Flavenol rich green tea, which will be lost when the tea is fermented.
In essence, if you compare coffee and black tea, the coffee is a healthier choice. And if you compare with green tea, then green tea is a healthier choice than coffee.
The morning is a good time to prepare for the activity. Not only feeling refreshed after sleeping all night, the morning turned out to be the moment when the mood tends to be at the top. The atmosphere is increasingly optimistic disappeared around noon, the time when people start working.
According to a study in the United States who analyzed hundreds of millions of messages on Twitter, people around the world are happiest when morning. Sociologist from Cornell University uses software to detect the language of positive words in the 509 million tweets from 2.4 million users in 84 countries tweeter for two years.
This study found that the peak there is a positive attitude in the morning and came up again when approaching the middle of the night, but began to fall the afternoon before rising again in the evening. Peak was detected in the morning but started to fall mid-morning, the time where most people start the day at work.
Peak happy condition followed by a sharp decrease in negative emotions such as distress, fear, anger, guilt and disgust. The words that show a good mood as enthusiasm, excitement, liveliness, and vigilance is found most widely on Saturdays and Sundays.
Found little difference in the sample majority Muslim countries where the weekend falls on Friday. Observations showed the same pattern on Friday and Saturday as seen in other countries on Saturday and Sunday.
"Work-related stress may play a role, but can not explain why the decline in the condition of happiness in the day also happened at the end," said study leader Scott Golder was quoted as saying, Thursday (13/10/2011).
Exercise in the morning can make you feel energized and excited to perform the activity. But to complete the day, do not forget breakfast. So when the best time for breakfast, before or after exercise?
Most experts agree that eating a morning snack before exercise is best. Generally, small meals or snacks eaten 1-2 hours before exercise.
Many people believe that can burn more calories or fat if waiting for breakfast after the morning exercise and other activities.There is also the reason that eating before exercise can make the stomach feel uncomfortable, especially when I wake up in the morning is not enough.
But according to the American College of Sports Medicine, the study shows that exercise on an empty stomach can degrade performance, as reported by Livestrong, Friday (14/10/2011).
Without the fuel the body, people may not be able to exercise properly. Exercising before eating also causes decreased blood sugar levels that result in weakness and dizziness. People also tend to eat excessively when breakfast after a workout.
What are the benefits of exercise in the morning before breakfast?
Body break down food that you have been in the form of glucose in the blood or stored energy called glycogen, which is stored in the liver and muscles. Having a sufficient amount of glucose that would make the body produce optimal energy during exercise.
It can also prevent you from experiencing low levels of glucose, called hypoglycemia, which can cause dizziness and fainting.Drinking fluids or eating foods that contain water before you exercise is also beneficial to avoid dehydration, which also damage the performance.