Sex toys or sex toy is often used to enhance sexual arousal. But a woman in California sued the manufacturer sex toy vibrator which she uses after him was bleeding so badly to lose consciousness.
April Bonjour is using sex toys vibrators with her partner when she felt a sharp pain in her intimate organs to spend a lot of blood and made him lose consciousness. He had to be rushed to hospital and given a few pints of blood due to damage caused by the vibrator.
Bonjour is currently taking legal action against the manufacturer Pipedream Products with a sex toy manufacturer sex toy product claims has caused personal injury and emotional distress.
"In using (vibrator) I felt an intense sharp pains in my vagina. My partner quickly take it off and I was covered with blood," recalled April Bonjour, as reported by Dailymail, Friday (14/10/2011).
At that time, Bonjour think she is menstruating though not the date of the period. But do not stop blood flow, and even continued to seep from the bandage he was wearing until it became a blood clot.
"Bleeding slowed down but when I have to get up to replace the pads, blood began to flow again. I started to faint from loss of blood. My partner called 911," he explained.
When rushed to the hospital, the child Bonjour even afraid of it.
"He thought I was dying. When we arrived at the hospital, I had lost so much blood and I was given several pints of blood. My family and I myself have suffered extreme emotional distress due to these events. We have contacted the makers of this product to see what compensation they will give to this event. They rejected my claim. For this reason I began to sue them, "said Bonjour.
Vancouver, has become his nature if men pee standing, while women must do so while squatting. But in a restaurant, men should not urinate standing to respect women because the toilet is not separated.
Unique rules can be found at Edible Canada, a quirky restaurant in the city of Vancouver. On the wall is the only toilet available, framed pictures man peeing in a standing position is framed by a red circle and written off as a sign that the action was prohibited.
Because it is a mixed toilets are shared equally by men and women, the rules that have a reasonable basis. When men pee standing up pee often leaving water marks on the toilet seat, which for women is disgusting.
Not leaving only the smell, the remnants of urine that turns yellow when it starts to dry out spots that are believed to transmit the disease. Starting from contagious infections are mild, the virus that causes cervical cancer to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
In places highly prioritizes cleanliness, each toilet is usually equipped with a special cleaning liquid toilet seat. But of course, costly investments needed to provide it in a small restaurant, so it would be easier if the men are prohibited to pee standing order not to make dirty.
But is it possible a man is absolutely forbidden to pee while standing? In addition it is impossible to install hidden cameras to watch over him, there did not seem like a man who stripped his pants and squat on the toilet only to a small water source.
Eric Patemen, restaurant owners Edible Canada admitted just messing around with the ban. Although already excited on the internet and many visitors who believe, he asserted would never condemn any man who pee while standing in the toilet.
"It's just a joke. One time we found a sticker like this and we thought it funny when mounted in our restaurant. Apparently a lot of love, the evidence is already 3 times this sticker stolen our visitors," said Patemen as quoted from Vancouversun, Friday (14/10 / 2011).
DetikHealth As reported previously, several types of bacteria can indeed be transmitted through unclean toilet seat. But the germs causing sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea (gonorrhea), Human Imunodefficiency Virus (HIV) and syphilis or syphilis can only be transmitted through sexual contact.
Intend to treat addiction to pornography, a man even had other mental disorders are more terrifying. He was going crazy due to drug side effects of her doctor, who turns out the medicine is already banned in many countries.
During the months since getting the drug, a British male patient aged 25 years experienced serious psychological problems. In addition to vomiting, Mutah, patients also experience insomnia or difficulty sleeping, paranoia or excessive fears and various symptoms of psychosis including hallucinations.
Initially, the unnamed patient was complaining just addicted to pornography. Every night, for hours man who either had no sexual partner was always spent time to watch pictures or pornographic movie.
Being unable to control their own behavior, he took the initiative to see her doctor in February 2009. After several consultations, the patient is given a psychotropic drug Ibogaine poudsterling or 1900 that cost more than Rp 26 million in August 2009.
Dr Peter Brackenridge, north London physician treating patients is already expressed at the outset that the side effects would make his head a little float in the next 36 hours. But what happened in this patient, much worse.
"From the first minute, I had hallucinations seeing things in the eyes and my head then I do not know me no where. Terrible, I panicked and started convulsing. My heart everywhere can not be controlled, and then suddenly arriving pulse weakened and it feels like hell, "said the patient is not frivolous, as quoted from Dailymail, Thursday (13/10/2011).
The case was recently filed with the local medical council and the results the doctor found guilty. Dr. Brackenridge proven guilty does not provide a warning or a full informed consent to patients about side effects of drugs given.
In addition, the drug is given that Ibogaine was indeed banned in many countries including the United States, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and Belgium. Ban after a few years ago it was reported drug-related deaths of several patients who use it.
Ibogaine is a psychotropic drug made from the roots of plants from Africa, iboga Tabernanthe are still allied with the coffee plants. Traditionally, this plant is used in rituals and is currently hunting for a person to remain silent in a very long time.