Efforts by scientists to create an antidote gel Imunodeficiency Human Virus (HIV) was rewarded bonuses. Gel that has proven its efficacy turned out to have dual functions, namely counteracting genital herpes is very contagious.
Tenofovir gel is the trade name is not yet marketed, but it has proven especially useful in a trial in South Africa in 2010. In the pilot, the gel is applied to the vagina is able to reduce the risk of HIV transmission in women by 39 percent.
Now the benefits are not just limited to the prevention of HIV alone. Recently, scientists from Britain, Belgium and Italy reveal the extra benefit of an artificial gel that Gilead Sciences Inc. is able to ward off genital herpes which is also highly contagious.
In general, genital herpes infection is not fatal but can reduce the quality of life because it feels very itchy. Not to mention, if known, then the stigma associated with genital herpes is always negative because the disease is considered the people who like to change partners.
The reality of this highly contagious infection, either through vaginal mucus, semen or simply direct contact from skin to skin. In fact, according to one of the data revealed by the scientists, nearly 20 percent of active partners in the world seluru been infected with genital herpes.
Fortunately, the results of a recent study conducted on 450 women showed that the gel Tenofovir is not only HIV but also ward off genital herpes. The risk of transmission of genital herpes in women who wear this gel was reduced to 51 percent.
"It would be very helpful. The protection that can be controlled solely by the women is an important factor in the prevention of venereal infections," said Dr. Jeanne Marrazzi, genital herpes specialist from the University of Washington, as quoted from ABCNews, Sunday (10/23/2011).
Age of a person is a mystery, no one could have predicted exactly. But for those who want to increase the chances to reach the age of 90 or even 100 years, here are seven simple ways that can be done.
A cardiologist from Canada, Dr. Clyde Yancy says there is an easy way to increase life expectancy by several decades. Ways is claimed can reduce the risk of deadly diseases, so that people can live longer and quality.
"Doing seven small changes in lifestyle can provide a 90 percent chance to reach the age of 90 or 100 years," said Dr. Yancy who will present this theory in the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress next week.
Seventh small changes in question Dr. Yancy is as follows, as quoted by the Telegraph, Sunday (23/10/2011).
1. Sport
Rarely do sports or other physical activity can reduce life expectancy by 4 years. People who prefer to laze around 2 times greater risk of heart problems and blood vessels, including a deadly stroke.
Not only good for the heart and blood vessel health, exercise can also prevent obesity and other diabetes complications. In fact, some research suggests, regular exercise also reduces the risk of some types of cancer.
2. Measure and control cholesterol levels
High cholesterol can cause plaque formation or crust on the walls of the arteries or veins.Plaque is formed could eventually block blood flow thus causing heart attack or stroke if it occurs around the brain.
If a family history of cholesterol problems, do blood tests to determine cholesterol levels as often as possible. Optimal levels of bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol should not exceed 100 mg / dL, the good cholesterol or HDL between 40-60 mg / dL and total cholesterol between 200-239 mg / dL.
3. Live a healthy diet
Understanding diet is not just limiting food intake, but rather intended to regulate diet choice. Healthy food is more advisable in order to live long are vegetables and fruits, because it is rich in vitamins and fiber.
4. Measure and control blood pressure
High blood pressure sometimes causes no symptoms, so-called silent killer because it can increase the risk of stroke by 40 percent and heart attack by 25 percent. In addition, high blood pressure untreated brain damage and also accelerate the trigger or senile dementia.
Normal blood pressure for adults is around 120/80 mmHg. Less than that number were classified as low blood pressure or hypotension, whereas if higher is called hypertension or high blood pressure.
5. Maintain ideal body weight
Ideal weight for each is not the same person, depending on how much height. Said to be the ideal weight if it produces the Body Mass Index (BMI) from 18.5 to 22.9 kg/m2 if dihiting by the following formula: BMI = weight (kg): Height squared (m2).
Someone said to be overweight or obese if BMI 23-29 kg/m2 and have said to obesity if it has a BMI above 30 kg/m2. Various studies show that obesity can reduce life expectancy of up to 4 years.
6. Avoid or control diabetes if it is already
Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism that makes the body unable to control blood sugar levels. In the long run, this disorder may increase the risk of heart attack, triggering complications in the eye and in men may cause impotence.
Blood sugar levels considered normal if the score 70-99 mg / dL, with a record measured after fasting or not eating for 8 hours. Blood glucose levels measured 2 hours after meals is said to normal if it ranges between 70-145 mg / dL, whereas if it ignores the range of normal eating schedule is 70-125 mg / dL.
7. Avoid cigarette
Smoking triggers claimed 90 percent of deaths in patients with lung cancer, 80 percent of deaths in bronchitis and emphysema, and 17 percent of deaths from heart attacks. People who quit smoking, in an instant will have a reduced risk of heart attack and stroke.
Undeniable snacking habits identical with obesity. More recently, researchers found that snacking habit is caused by too little protein in the diet. Then it ate a protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs and nuts more will stop the habit of snacking.
Researchers from Cambridge University and the University of Sydney recruited 22 volunteers with healthy weight and aged between 18 and 51 years later asking them to stay and eat in a facility that has been provided.
All volunteers were given food that looks the same, but actually have different levels of protein. Food provided for breakfast is a tasty muffin, grilled tuna with salad for lunch and pastel content of beef or spaghetti bolognaise with vegetables with dessert for dinner.
The amount of fat is set to remain constant at levels of 30 percent of total calories in food, but the carbohydrate content adjusted at levels 45, 50 or 60 percent of food consumed.
All the volunteers doing the same amount of physical exercise, ie walking for an hour while supervised and perform the same activities so that they do not eat out of boredom or stress.
Each volunteer was asked to assess the hunger that is felt at the time of one hour after eating. The result, the group that ate 15 percent protein to feel full two hours longer than the group that ate 10 percent protein.
People who consume 10 percent protein on average eat 1036 extra calories per day or 260 calories more than those who ate 15 percent protein. Not just eating more, 70 percent of those extra calories come from snacks consumed between meals.
The average adult in the UK eat about 12 percent protein from daily food intake. This amount has been considered by many to be due to decreased intake of protein by substitution of carbohydrates from processed foods.
"The results of this study indicate that humans have a very strong appetite to the protein. When low levels of protein in the diet, this powerful appetite can lead to excessive energy intake," said Alison Grosby, researchers from the University of Sydney.
To lose weight, nutritionists recommend a diet with a composition settings: a quarter of the food is protein, a quarter and half again is karbohiodrat is a vegetable.
"Eating large amounts of carbohydrates and fats such as those contained in soft drinks is a major risk factor for obesity and thus diluting the protein content will increase your appetite. We do not recommend to eat large amounts of protein or eliminate your intake of carbohydrates at all," said Dr.. Susan Jebb, co-author of the study and Chief Human Nutrition Research Unit at Cambridge.
"Protein intake by 15 percent of total daily diet must be sufficient to prevent overeating and helps people lose weight," added Dr. Jebb as reported by dailymail, Sunday (16/10/2011).