Tranexamic acid is used to help stop the bleeding condition. Tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic agent. This drug works by blocking the breakdown of blood clots, which prevent bleeding. These drugs are only available by prescription.
The drug is available in the following dosage forms:
1. Tablet
2. Syrup
1. To help stop the bleeding
2. Long-term management of hereditary angioedema
1. Severe renal failure
2. Active intravascular clotting
3. Thromboembolic disease
4. Impaired color vision
5. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
1. For short-term management of bleeding
1 to 1.5 g 2-4 times / day
2. Long-term management of hereditary angioedema
1 to 1.5 g 2-3 times / day
Side effects
Along with the required effect, the drug can cause some side effects. Although less likely to experience side effects on the use of this drug, but in the event of side effects may require medical treatment.
See a doctor immediately, if there is one of the following side effects:
1. Pale skin
2. Problems in breathing
3. Bleeding or unusual bruising
4. Fatigue or weakness
Sources: MayoClinic,
The layman most difficult to distinguish between the flu and colds (cold), but both have different consequences. Just so you know, the flu is more dangerous than a cold. Then how do I tell?
Learning to recognize a cold or the flu is very important, because the flu can cause serious complications such as inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) to death.Immediately treat the flu within 48 hours after symptom onset is the best step.
How to recognize colds and flu as reported by WebMD, Thursday (10/27/2011) are:
1. Flu Comes with a quick and sudden
Flu symptoms such as sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches, nasal congestion and cough tends to come on suddenly and is more intense than cold symptoms. Colds usually only causes a runny or stuffy nose.
Flu symptoms usually improve after two to five days, but then felt weak for a week or more. Colds come gradually and ended after about a week.
2. Usually Fever Flu Signs
Some people may experience fever when a little cold, but most do not. While the flu, fever sufferer will experience 37-38 degrees Celsius or higher. Flu fever in children tend to be higher temperature and more children may develop a fever because of the common cold.
3. Fatigue Due to Flu Can Lasts Weeks
When it got the flu, the sufferer will begin to feel very tired and sore all over the body.Fatigue and weakness can last up to 3 weeks or even longer in the elderly and people with chronic illnesses or impaired immune system.
While on a cold, the symptoms only last a few days.
4. Colds and Flu Can Cause Headaches
Headache is not a reliable indicator of flu, a cold can also cause headaches. But the headaches caused by colds tend to be milder than those caused by the flu.
5. Nor Cough Colds Flu Signs
Because colds and flu is a respiratory disease that affects the airways, both of which can cause coughing.
6. Pneumonia or pneumonia is a lung infection that can be complications from the flu.
Call your doctor if you experience persistent cough, fever higher than 38 degrees Celsius, fever, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or chest pain due to cough, or cough with phlegm greenish yellow or bloody.
7. Can ear pain Caused Due to Colds or Flu
Colds and flu can cause ear pain due to irritate eustachius channel that connects the throat to the middle ear. Irritation can cause pain or burning sensation. Ear pain due to colds and flu usually goes away by itself.
If the pain lasts longer than illness or suddenly felt very ill, see your doctor. May have occurred ear infection and need treatment.
8. Colds Starts With Sore Throat
Most colds start with a sore throat for one to two days. Runny and stuffy nose are also common. Sore throats can also be a symptom of the flu. But the flu, sore throat accompanied by fatigue and other symptoms that often occur simultaneously.
9. Stuffy Nose Colds Caused Averages
Unless a very sick with fever and drain energy, congestion is generally caused by colds, although many people with flu have also reported runny nose and sneezing.
10. Both colds and flu can cause sinus infections.
Symptoms are characterized by deep pain and constant in the cheekbones, forehead, or nose. The pain usually gets worse when moving the head suddenly.
11. Test Can Identify Avian Flu Quickly
The quickest and most effective way to find out whether the flu or a cold is to undergo tests at the doctor's office. By examining the nose or throat, the doctor can tell if it's cold atu flu in less than 30 minutes.
If it turns out positive for the flu and its symptoms have been started since the last 48 hours, your doctor may recommend antiviral treatment to accelerate healing.
12. Immediate Start Anti-Flu Treatment
Flu can be dangerous, but antiviral drugs can make patients feel better and shorten the illness of one or two days if started immediately.
13. Drugs Can Reduce Symptoms of Colds
The drugs are usually purchased at pharmacies such as decongestants, cough medicines, and antihistamines can alleviate the symptoms of nasal congestion, cough, and runny nose. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen to treat pain or headache.
14. Read the active ingredients and warnings on all product labels.
Most cough and cold medicines contain the same material, so that it can lead to overdose by accident.
Colds and Flu Prevention: Hand Washing
Washing your hands properly can help prevent the spread of flu. Rub your hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. Do not forget to brush well between fingers and around nails. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Alcohol-based hand cleaners also proved successful.
Frequently wash your hands during cold and flu season, especially after coughing, sneezing, or blowing the nose. If you can not find a tissue, sneeze or batuklah to the elbow, not into the hand.
Flu Prevention: Vaccines
The flu vaccine is made from flu viruses in a version that is not harmful to help the body recognize and fight the flu actually. The vaccine is very important for children aged 6 months and over, pregnant women, adults aged 50 years and over, and patients with chronic disease or immune system diseases. Healthy children aged 2 years and older and healthy adults aged under 50 who are not pregnant can choose the nasal spray vaccine.
Is the Swine Flu (H1N1) Still Threatening?
Swine flu had rocked the world in 2009, but the outbreak was officially ended in 2010. The current flu vaccine is able to protect from swine flu and seasonal flu.
Swine flu and seasonal flu symptoms usually include cough, sore throat, fever (although not all people with flu have a fever) and body aches. Many patients with swine flu also experience stomach upsets such as vomiting and diarrhea.

How to Maintain Weight Loss After the Diet, After diet weight loss often arises again. Researchers found that the return of most of the weight loss occurred shortly after the first weight loss. How to maintain weight after dieting?
According to the analysis of data from the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) in the United States, 10,000 study participants who had lost a minimum weight of 14 kg was able to maintain their weight for a year or more.
According to the NWCR, there were about 3,000 men and women dieters who successfully maintain weight loss for 10 years. Successful dieters are mostly female and have higher education. Average body weight beginning when weighed is 102 kg and decreased by 31 kg.
Based on responses to questionnaires that participants completed the study, researchers found that the return of most of the weight loss occurred shortly after the first weight loss. Over time, the weight gain slowed down.
After five years, the participants returning weight about 7.5 kg. At the end of the 10-year follow-up, the average participant has increased a few pounds of weight and then keeping it at number 23 kg.
So how do they maintain their weight after dieting? As dirilus, Wednesday (26/20/2011), NWCR write a list of the following techniques to maintain weight after dieting:
1. Track your food intake
2. Calculate the calories or fat grams or use commercial weight loss programs to track food intake
3. Follow a diet low in calories and low in fat. Ate about 1,800 calories per day with less than 30% of calories derived from fat
4. Eating breakfast regularly
5. Limit the amount of food. Eating out an average of three times a week and eat fast food less than once a week.
6. Eating the same foods on a regular basis and not too much on holidays and special occasions
7. Walking around an hour a day or burn calories the same with other activities
8. Viewing TV less than 10 hours a week
9. Weigh weight at least once a week
This behavior will help most people control their weight. This technique will work for people who want to fill out a survey every year, keep a diet, doing exercise long term, and resist the temptation to excess spending, even on holidays.
Although the carbonated soda drink has been believed to be harmful to the teeth, but new research shows that more damaging to teeth biting an apple instead of drinking soda.Why is that?
New research suggests that biting an apple four times more damaging to teeth compared with drinking carbonated beverages like soda. This is because the high acidity level and how to eat it.
"This is not just about what we eat, but how we eat it," explains Professor David Bartlett, Chief of prosthodontic at King's College London Dental Institute, penelitia leaders, as reported by Dailymail, Monday (10/10/2011).
Prof Bartlett said the apples are good for health but if you eat it slowly, then a high level of acidity in apples can merusakn teeth.
"The results emphasize that dietary advice should be targeted on the strength of the acid than some regular carbonated soft drinks," explains Prof. Bartlett.
In this new study, researchers looked for a relationship between tooth wear in some parts of the mouth and eating at more than 1,000 male and female participants ages 18 hingg 30 years.
Researchers look for damage to the 2 mm surface of the tooth enamel and dentin, the main supporting structure of the tooth under the enamel and compared with a strict diet.
Results showed that people who eat apples 3.17 times more likely to experience damage to the dentine, while those who drank carbonated beverages had no additional risk.
In addition to acid strength, the researchers said some of the apple contains 4 teaspoons of sugar that contributes to the growing levels of acid in the mouth.
"The fruit may contain acid and sugar levels clearly have, but people should not be desperate to eat fruit or fruit juice," explained Dr Glenys Jones, a nutritionist from the Medical Research Council's Human Nutrition Research.
Researchers gave some safe way to eat an apple, that is eating an apple with milk or a piece of cheese that contain calcium so as to neutralize the acid.
Drinking water immediately after eating apples may also help to wash away the danger of acid on teeth.
"Drinking fruit juices and smoothies through a straw is another way to protect your teeth. Brushing your teeth before eating acidic foods can also help because it provides a barrier between food and teeth," concludes Dr. Jones.